This unit is also called the Ascor Universal Light Unit. They can be used with the Ascor CD 2400, CD1200, QC1000, and QC8 power packs.These flash heads each have a fan for cooling, a switch to turn the quartz modeling lamp (up to 250 watts) on and off, a hole for mounting umbrellas, and a pivoting mount for up to a three quarter inch stand. They are made very well made and will last a long time. Each has a built in 20 foot heavy duty cable and can mount all AscorLight QC accessories including five inch reflectors and barndoors, ten inch parabolic reflectors and barndoors, 16 inch reflectors and barndoors, diffusers, etc. Tube covers are also available to protect the tube and modeling lamp from breakage. I have so many of these heads that any one unit didn't get used too much over my career. I really like these heads and have taken good care of them. I have the instruction manual for these and can supply a copy.



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Copyright 2004 Rick McClain Photography

Salt Lake City, Utah
(801) 484-8488
