Call Rick McClain - (801) 484-8488
If our answering machine picks up, SPEAK VERY CLEARLY, SLOWLY, and LOUDLY.
We don't have caller ID, so if we can't understand your message, we can't call you back. Please don't text me. I won't get the message.
A) 8x6mm Faceted Blue Topaz & Diamante Gold Ring, size 9. ..... $8 Sorry! SOLD!!!
B) Amethyst & Diamante Silver Ring, size 9. ..... $8 Sorry! SOLD!!!
Please call me for my address and come by to pick up your item to save yourself the shipping
fees and time.
While you're here, you might find other items you need.
I am retired from business, so I have no way of accepting payment via credit card.
I will accept payment via U.S. Postal Service Money Orders, and they are pretty
cheap; $1.20 for the first $500 and $1.60 for $1000. Cash is easiest and saves time.
I will ship via U.S.Postal Service Priority Mail Flat Rate Service at $7.00 for a small
box (8 5/8" x 5 3/8" x 1 5/8"), $14 for a medium box (11" x 8 1/2" x 5 1/2"), or $19
for a Large Box (12" x 12" x 5 1/2"), whichever is necessary. If you buy more than one
item and they will fit in one box, there will be only one shipping rate added to the order.
Appropriate insurance fees will be added.
If you choose to have me ship your purchase, keep in mind that the first money to arrive
takes the item and that the item may have been sold before your Money Order arrived.
All items are unique and no substitution will be made without your consent.
Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, other contact information, and the
item number/description of the item you are purchasing along with the Postal Money Order.
In person pickup is recommended.
I am selling everything I own in order to move onto a sailboat.
Fine Jewelry
Diamonds, Rubys, Old Ivory, Aquamarine, Topaz, Pearls, Gold, Rings, Bracelet, Necklaces and Pendants
Lady's Pearl Jewelry
Necklaces, Earrings and a Ring
Western and Indian Jewelry
Turquoise Bracelets and Necklaces, Western Buckles, Bolas and Collar Tips
Hand Crafted Venetian Glass Bead Necklaces
Lady's Bracelets
Gold, Silver, Turquoise, Venetian Glass Bead and Costume Bracelets
Lady's Earrings
Gold, Pearl, CZ, Topaz, Venetian Glass Bead, Abalone, Stone and Costume Earrings
Lady's Costume Jewelry
Necklaces, Earrings, Brooches, Pendants and Pins
22" x 40" White Marble Top Table, Baldwin Fanfare Organ, Couches and several vintage hardwood incidental or occasional tables.
Also Lane Cedar Chest, Chests of Drawers, Dressers, Chairs, Folding Chairs, Kitchen Tables and Chairs,
Office Desks, Book Cases, Books, Fireplace Tools, Pictures and Frames, Fine Art.
Lead Crystal and Cut Glass
Crystal Bowls, Candy Dishes, Salt & Pepper Shakers, Napkin Rings, Wine Glasses, Bleikristall German Crystal Bell, Round crystal tazza or compote, Crystal Wine Carafe / Decanter, Heavy hexagonal crystal Candellabra pair, large Pressed Glass Punch Bowl & Tray with 15 matching punch cups
Sterling and Silver Plate Tableware/Flatware
Reed & Barton Sterling Silver, Rogers Silver Plate flatware,
also (but not shown) Oneida Deluxe Stainless, Oneidacraft Deluxe Stainless
Guns and Shooting Equipment
Remington shotgun, ammo, 30-06 brass cases, spotting scope, shooting stools, and other equipment.
Professional Photographic Equipment
Cameras (Canon, Nikonos, and Olympus 35mm, Mamiya 2 1/4, Toyo 4x5, Calumet 8x10), lenses, lighting equipment, backgrounds, background paper, film
Very Soon: 1992 Ford Econoline Custom Conversion Van and 1987 Toyota 4WD Pickup Truck
...and the HOUSE will be up for sale in the Very Soon, too!